En mobiltelefon som visar en Instagram-feed med hashtaggen #LongWaveRadioRun. Bilderna inkluderar selfies av personer på olika platser, som vingårdar, städer och utomhusmiljöer, samt en reklam för evenemanget.

Do the #LongwaveRadioRun

Years Of Communication

Meters, The Grimeton Longwave Distance

World Heritage Sites

Billion People


Det är inte ett marathon,
inte en halvmara,
inte 10K…
Det är en långvåg.

17,4 km – var du än är! Fira med hela världen!

Kan du inte komma till Grimeton Radiostation och fira? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! Ett av jordens fantastiska UNESCO världsarv, det enda med global räckvidd, firas just nu med en mängd olika aktiviteter ända till 31 december 2025. Var du än är – kan du ändå vara med i firandet! Spring en långvåg för att hylla 100 år av  trådlös kommunikation från Grimeton till New York.

Oavsett om du promenerar längs stränderna i Holland, springer genom Central Park i NYC, eller upptäcker historiens vingslag vid pyramiderna, är du en del av det globala loppet som hyllar den ständiga kommunikationen.

Gör en ”grimetonsk” långvåg17 440 m och ta en selfie från den plats på jorden där just du är! Posta på sociala medier och tagga #LongwaveRadioRun! 



Så här deltar du

1. Välj hur du vill fira – spring, cykla, gå eller hitta ditt eget sätt att ta dig 17 440 meter.

2. Dela din resa – lägg upp dina bilder och upplevelser på sociala medier med #LongwaveRadioRun för att komma med flödet här. och gärna även #100yearsofcommunication.

3. Inspirera andra – bjud in familj, vänner och kollegor att delta i det globala firandet!




Här presenterar sig alla dina globala löparvänner i #LongwaveRadioRun – de väntar på dig!

It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun!

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it's your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun!

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it`s your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

9 0
It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun!

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it's your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun!

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it`s your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

12 0
It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun !

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it's your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun !

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it`s your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

11 0
It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it's your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it`s your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

8 0
It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun!

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it's your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun!

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it`s your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

30 0
It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun!

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it's your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun!

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it`s your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

10 0
It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun!

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it's your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

It’s not a marathon,
not a half marathon,
not 10K…
It’s a long wave.
17.4 km – wherever you are! Celebrate with the whole world!

Can’t come to Grimeton Radio Station and celebrate? Do a #LongwaveRadioRun! One of the world’s great UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the only one with a global reach, is currently being celebrated with a variety of activities until December 31, 2025. Wherever you are – you can still join the celebrations! Run a long wave to celebrate 100 years of wireless communication from Grimeton to New York.

Whether you’re strolling along the beaches of Holland, running through Central Park in NYC, or discovering history at the pyramids, you’re part of the global race that celebrates constant communication.

Do a “Grimetonian” longwave at 17,440 meters and post a selfie from wherever you are on Earth! Post on social media and tag #LongwaveRadioRun!

All about this and the #100yearsofcommunication:

Those first inspirational selfies are made by AI, now it`s your turn to make reality!

#longwave #radio #globalrun #globalrunners #run #marathon #halfmara #17440 #worldheritage #unesco #unescoworldheritage #global #runforfun #100yearsofcommunica #visitvarberg #grimeton #grimetonradiostation #worldheritagegrimeton

11 0
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